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詳細內容:PA66 A218WV33のPA66 A218WV33PC/PET 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 XL1339 PP茂名實華045(粉) ABS韓國三星VH-0810 BK PP臺塑1040F PA46荷蘭DSM TW341-NC PP中石油獨山子K4826A POM 美國泰科納 M50 PC基礎創(chuàng)新塑料(西班牙) 143R-111 POM 美國泰科納 M90UV PC伊朗國家石化 PGPC1215 PPO 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 WCV063PC/ABS 沙伯基礎 C2951 POE美國陶氏8999 PC日本三菱工程 S-2000VR BK PC廣州LG SC-1004ML PBT日本寶理515AC ED3002 ABS日本東麗550R-T25 BK PP福聚6025 TPV 美國?松梨 8221-65 PA6日本宇部1015GC650 LDPE法國TOTAL LA0710 POM 日本寶理 TF-10XAP TPV 美國埃克森美孚 253-50 EVA韓國韓華道達爾DRE155 PPE 日本旭化成 X8910 LCP日本寶理A130-VF2001 PA66河南神馬尼龍EPR27 PC/ABS 韓國三星 HI-1001BS PPO 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 7CN8221 PP新加坡聚烯烴AV561 EVA韓國LGES18002 PEI 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 HU1010 PC日本帝人 AM-1800 PP東莞韓華道達爾TB54 ABS馬來西亞東麗440Y MH1 PA66 A218WV33のPA66 A218WV33 PA66 A218WV33のPA66 A218WV33 HDPE HDPE is a kind of high crystalline and nonpolar thermoplastic resin. Original HDP High density polyethylene detail picturePA66 A218WV33のPA66 A218WV33 PP美國?松梨赑P8013L1 TPV 美國?松梨 8221-85M300 PA66美國杜邦HTN53G50HSLR BK HDPE科威特石化6888 PC日本帝人 G-3420 PBT美國泰科納XFR 6842 GF30 PPO 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 PX1112 ETFE 日本大金 EP-610AS PBT基礎創(chuàng)新塑料855-1001 TPV 日本三井化學 W750BC MDPE美國盛禧奧DHDA-8864 K(Q)膠日本旭化成K860S HDPE美國埃克森美孚HMA-025 PC基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 DFL-4032 PVC日本鐘淵K10S PC南亞 5210G2 HDPE中石化天津HD5502XA ABS韓國三星VH-0810 PC日本帝人 G-3430R ABS寧波LGHT-550 LDPE沙特SABICHP2023J PP福聚7871 POM 日本寶理 M270S PMMA 德國贏創(chuàng)德固賽 8N-8V106 LCP日本寶理C820 VF2001 PPE 日本旭化成 500V LDPE中石油蘭州2426F PA66意大利LATI66 H2 G/30 PBT基礎創(chuàng)新塑料(泰國)420SEO-1001 LLDPE上海賽科LL0209AA PBT日本三菱工程5010G10 LCP日本上野2140GM-HV PBT基礎創(chuàng)新塑料553-BK1006 PEI 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 JD7101 PP韓國樂天化學B-310 The appearance of E is milky white and has a certain degree of translucent in the thin section. PE has the characteristics of excellent resistance to most of the living and industrial chemicals. Some kinds of chemicals can produce chemical corrosion, such as corrosive oxidizers (concentrated nitric acid), aromatic hydrocarbons (xylene) and halogenated hydrocarbons (carbon tetrachloride). The polymer is not hygroscopic and has good waterproof steam property. It can be used for packaging. HDPE has good electrical properties, especially high dielectric strength, so it is very suitable for wire and cable. The medium to high molecular weight class has excellent impact resistance, which is the same at normal temperature and even at low -40F temperature. The unique characteristics of various levels of HDPE are the proper combination of four basic variables: density, molecular weight, molecular weight distribution and additives. Different catalysts are used to produce customized polymers. These variables are combined to produce different uses of the HDPE grade; the best balance is achieved in performance. density PA66 A218WV33のPA66 A218WV33 PVC泰國TPC 77GP PC基礎創(chuàng)新塑料(南沙) EXRL2179 TPU拜耳優(yōu)得US-70A10 PBT日本東麗1164G-30 BK PP韓國大林EP380S POM 美國杜邦 DE20266 PC新加坡帝人 LV-2250Y PP韓國韓華道達爾GH42 PP中石化茂名MPT40M PPS日本油墨FZ-1120 BK PPS日本寶理1140L4 PBT日本寶理660SA ED3002 ABS韓國巴斯夫GP-35 PA66德國巴斯夫A3U PA46荷蘭DSM F11 BK PP日本EM822A PC日本帝人 G-3130H LLDPE卡塔爾石化Q2018H PBT南亞1210G3 ANC1 PEI 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 PDX-E-99545 LLDPE中石油撫順DFDA-7042 PBT日本寶理3216 EF2001 MS日本電氣化學TX-018 PP中石化湛江東興V30G PA6荷蘭DSM K-FHGM35 PA6T 日本三井化學 CH245NK PC基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 121 BK2065S PPO 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料GFN1 PP日本卡爾普GF-1510A PBT日本寶理CN7015NN PP韓國LG GP-3152FPP巴西H103 電木粉 長春 T399J PC泰國三菱工程 MB8700 PA612美國杜邦FE3734 This is the main variable that determines the HDPE characteristics, although the 4 variables mentioned are indeed interacting with each other. Ethylene is the main raw material of polyethylene. A small number of other comonomers, such as 1 butene, l hexene or 1 octene, are often used to improve the performance of polymers. The content of HDPE above a few monomers is generally not more than 1% - 2%. The crystallinity of the polymer was slightly reduced by the addition of the LDPE The gap between the die and the die must be widened to avoid reducing the output due to the high back pressure and the melt fracture. The general gap sizes of LDPE and LLDPE are O.024 - 0.040 in. and 0.060 - 0.10in, respectively. The "extended softness" of LLDPE is a drawback in the film blowing process. The bubble film of LLDPE is not as stable as LDPE. PA66 A218WV33のPA66 A218WV33 PP美國巴塞爾5C37F EAA美國杜邦3440(1) HDPE福建阿美亞洲HDI6180 LCP日本杜邦7130-BK010PEI 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 1285 PBT美國杜邦6450XD POM 日本三菱工程 F30-03 PE蠟 泰國SCG化工 LP8110F PEI 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 LTX200B PA612瑞士EMS XE5015 BK PP泰國巴塞爾EP540N PA66基礎創(chuàng)新塑料RFL-4034 TPU拜耳優(yōu)得3660DU ABS馬來西亞東麗920 HDPE巴西QUATTORHS-5502 COC日本三井化學APL5514ML TPV 美國?松梨 8271-75 PA12 法國阿科瑪 63R53 HIPS鎮(zhèn)江奇美PH-66 PBT日本東麗1184G-20 PC嘉興帝人 L-1225L BK ABS奇美PA-747 PA66惠州南亞6110 PC日本出光 LC1501 PPO 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料(歐盟) EXNX0136 CPE美國陶氏CM 3551E PPS日本油墨TCS3515D PPS日本油墨C-600SG EVA臺塑7A50H PA66泰國杜邦70G33L PA11 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料(美國) HAL23 PPO 基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 GTX830 POM/PTFE 德國赫斯特 MT24F01 LCP日本新石油化學MG350BPRL/PRL PP馬來西亞聚丙烯G452 The normal single lip wind ring is stable to the LDPE, which is sufficient to use.LLDPE specific vesicles to require more perfect lip wind rings to stabilize. Cooling the internal vesicles with a double lip ring can increase the stability of the membrane and improve the production capacity of the film at the same time. In addition to the better cooling of the film, many film manufacturers use LDPE blending to enhance LLDPE solubility. The extrusion of LLDPE can be completed on the existing LDPE film equipment, when the LLDPE concentration of LDPE blend reaches 50%. When processing 100% LLDPE or LLDPE rich blends with LDPE, the general LDPE extruder is used, and the equipment must be improved. PA66 A218WV33のPA66 A218WV33 PA66日本杜邦FE15040-BK032D POM 美國泰科納 MC90 ABS基礎創(chuàng)新塑料BDT5510-1000 TPEE美國杜邦7248 PA66美國朗盛DP1852/30 000000 HDPE惠州中海殼牌5021Y ABS日本TECHNOLM100D1-1A5881 PA46荷蘭DSM TE350 BK PA66法國羅地亞A218V20 PMMA 日本住友化學 MH PA12 德國贏創(chuàng)德固賽 E62H PA66瑞士EMS TSZ1 BK PA6美國杜邦73G30T NC010 TPU德國巴斯夫ES98 50000 POM 日本寶理 M270-36BK TPEE日本東麗4767W POM 美國泰科納 GC25A EVA韓國LGES28005 HDPE沙特?松梨贖TA-001 IXEF 比利時蘇威 1022/0006PC/ABS 上?扑紕(chuàng)(拜耳) T88GF20- GPPS佛山TOTAL1540 PC/ABS 韓國三星 WP-1041G LCP日本上野6030GM PP中石化茂名HHP8 EPDM 日本三井化學 3090E PA66日本三菱工程3010GN30 PP韓國大林EC310K PBT日本三菱工程SEF-530FCA美國伊士曼132E 5238029 AS(SAN)奇美PN-117H AS(SAN)韓國錦湖335T PVC香港利澤F-85A TPU德國科思創(chuàng)(拜耳)U-95A PBT新光DG5009 Anti vermicular denaturation The polyethylene environmental stress cracking resistance and creep resistance Dielectric properties Pure polyethylene does not contain polar genes, so it has good dielectric properties. The molecular weight of polyethylene has no influence on the dielectric properties of polyethylene, but if they contain impurities, such as the presence of polar groups and metal catalyst, ash molecules (hydroxyl, carbonyl), the dielectric properties such as dielectric constant, dielectric loss (dielectric loss tangent) and other adverse effect. application area LLDPE is the main field of application of plastic sheeting, packaging film, wire and cable, pipe, coating products etc.. Linear low density polyethylene (LDPE) is mainly used in the manufacture of thin film because of its high tensile strength, better resistance to puncture and tearing resistance. In 2005, the consumption of LLDPE in the world was 16 million 170 thousand tons, up 6.4% from the same period. In the consumption structure, thin film products still account for the largest proportion, consumption is 11 million 900 thousand tons, accounting for 73.6% of the total consumption, followed by injection molding, consumption is 1 million 148 thousand tons, accounting for 7.1% of total LLDPE consumption. PA66 A218WV33のPA66 A218WV33 MVLDPE(茂金屬)美國陶氏)2045G TPE美國吉力士G7960-1 PA66美國杜邦131 BK PPS菲利普R-4-230BL PFA 美國杜邦 950HP PC日本三菱工程 7022J POM 馬來西亞寶理 M25S GPPS新加坡電氣化學MW-1-301 HIPS韓三星第一毛織VE-1805 ABS基礎創(chuàng)新塑料VW300 BLO2082 PP臺塑1040 FEP 日本大金 NP101 ETFE 美國杜邦 280 POM 日本寶理 TW-51 LCP日本新石油化學NC-301-B PP韓國LG H1500 PC韓國三星 SC-1100UR PETG 美國伊士曼 0603 TPE美國吉力士G2780C PPS深圳東麗A504FG1 PP荷蘭利安德巴塞爾X M3 T15 PP寧波臺塑1352F PP韓國油化6019 PP基礎創(chuàng)新塑料MS-1002 BK8-075-5 PA612 美國杜邦 151L- PA66美國杜邦HTN53G50LR GY758 PA6馬來西亞巴斯夫B3EG6 LCP寶理E130i 205P PC基礎創(chuàng)新塑料(南沙) DF00A8P PC基礎創(chuàng)新塑料 EXL1330 PP新加坡埃克森美孚AP3N PEEK 美國蘇威 AV-750 PC日本帝人 GN-3610L PBT日本東麗5107G POM 日本寶理 M90-04 In 2005, the total consumption of LLDPE and LDPE in China was 5 million 980 thousand tons, of which LLDPE consumption was 3 million 550 thousand tons, an increase of 25.4% over the previous year, accounting for 59.4% of total LLDPE/LDPE consumption, and LDPE consumption of 2 million 430 thousand tons, an increase of 0.7% over the previous year, accounting for 40.6% of the total consumption of LLDPE/LDPE. From the LLDPE/LDPE consumption structure, the film is still the largest consumer of consumption, with a consumption of 4 million 850 thousand tons. From the consumption situation of LLDPE/LDPE in the past 2003~2005 years, the consumption ratio of thin film has been maintained at around 77%, and the consumption proportion of second kinds of injection molded products has been lingering 9%. Within the next 2~3 years, although the absolute consumption of various varieties will continue to grow, but the proportion of consumption will maintain the current basic situation; because the packaging film needs relatively rapid growth, agricultural consumption ratio will be reduced to about 20%. As the performance of LLDPE continues to improve, its application field is also expanding, and the demand for LLDPE in the future market will be greatly higher than that of LDPE and HDPE.
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