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詳細內(nèi)容:PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 ABS日本電氣化學(xué)K-300 PC日本三菱工程 FIN5000R PPO 日本旭化成 100Z TPU美國路博潤S-360D AES 日本UMG SK30 PA66基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料RF0077E PPS日本東麗A503X05 PA66惠州南亞6210GC FBK1 TPUAH-571 IXEF 比利時蘇威 1022/9008 PEEK 吉林中研高塑 770GL30 PC/ABS 奇美 PC-6620 ABS韓國巴斯夫GP-35 BK PVC寧波臺塑S-80 HIPS韓國錦湖HI-450 PP韓國LG GP-3152F PA9T 日本可樂麗 LA121 BKPC/ABS 德國科思創(chuàng)(拜耳) 1514 MBS臺塑M-51 PA66美國杜邦73G45 LDPE中石化茂名868-000 PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 D20001 PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 EXL1414B TPU拜耳優(yōu)得UD-95AU10 PC日本三菱工程 GP2030N1 PA66德國巴斯夫A34 ABS奇美PA-757(A01) POM 美國泰科納 MT8F02 PPO 日本三菱工程 AH60 9001 PP東莞韓華道達爾TB52U EPDM 日本三井化學(xué) 3070HPC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料(南沙) EXL9414T ABS日本UMGTM-21 TPE德國膠寶TF5ATL-S342 TPU德國科思創(chuàng)(拜耳)8795A PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 HIPS Impact resistant polystyrene (HIPS) is an impact resistant polystyrene product produced by adding polybutadiene rubber particles in polystyrene. introduce 475 is the HIPS machining PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 ETFE 美國杜邦 HT-2181 PA612美國杜邦FE5382 TPU深圳科思創(chuàng)(拜耳)UH-71D20 PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料(西班牙) 103R-111 PC/ABS 美國盛禧奧(斯泰。 A35-110 TPE美國吉力士OM 9-801N POM 日本寶理 CR-20 PC日本出光 URZ2501 W1186T PP新加坡聚烯烴Z451GPPO 基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 GFN2 PA66韓國可隆KN333G30 PA6基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料PF-100-10 ETFE 日本大金 EP610 COC日本寶理5013LS-01 ABS日本TECHNO545 BK PVDF 上海三愛富 FR904 EVA巴西BraskemHM2528 PC嘉興帝人 L-1225RPA6T 美國杜邦 HTNFR52G30NH TPE德國膠寶TC7MGA PC日本帝人 ML-3210ZLP POE韓國LGLC565 ABS日本東麗910-X01 TPEE美國杜邦3046 TPEE荷蘭DSM EB460 POM 基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 KFX-1008 PETG 美國伊士曼 AN2016 TPU德國巴斯夫1190A15 POM 韓國工程塑料 MF3020 PA12 日本宇部 3030JI6L PC日本三菱工程 7022FD2 PA66美國杜邦MIN121 NC010 PA46基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料STNAL-4022 HS PP中石化鎮(zhèn)海006 PPS韓國三星XP-4240 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 The impact resistance of PS can be processed by many traditional molding methods, such as injection molding, structural foam molding, sheet and film extrusion, hot forming and blow molding. HIPS resin absorbs water slowly, so there is no need for drying in general. Sometimes excessive moisture on the surface of the material will be absorbed, which affects the appearance quality of the final product. Under the temperature of 160 F dry 23h can remove excess moisture. The extrusion of thin films, sheets and profiles is the most useful processing method for HIPS. Anti impact polystyrene has a wide range of processing, so it becomes one of the most easily thermoforming resins. Generally, the melting temperature of the resin is 400 - 500 F, and the melt index range of the resin is 1.5 - 4 g/10min. Rotating, series and shuttle type pressure and vacuum thermoforming equipment are often used. HIPS has excellent thermal stability and shear stability. It can be used for a lot of recycled materials without reducing the performance of products, and the amount of recycled material in hot forming can be as high as 60%. PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PPS四川得陽HGR51 POM 美國杜邦 500T PFA 日本旭硝子 P-73PT PBT美國杜邦SK605 BK851 PA6德國6G30H TPE德國膠寶HTP5881/53 PC日本帝人 GN-3710SS BK POM 德國赫斯特 C9021 XAP PA6日本宇部1015GNKF BK LCP日本杜邦7130-BK010 SEBS李長榮9550 PP韓國SK B393G PC日本三菱工程 GS2030MN1 PPO 基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 PPX7110 PA12 美國EMS XE3744 ABS美國陶氏8391 PVDF 美國蘇威 HR460 PVC韓國LGPA1302(粉) PP東莞韓華道達爾TB54 PMMA 法國阿科瑪 SG-7電木粉 日本松下電工 CU9970 TPEE長春55C1NC010 HDPE沙特雪佛龍菲利普HHM TR-144 PBT德國贏創(chuàng)德固賽X7212 PP中石化茂名PPB-MT25-S PC/ABS 日本帝人 TN-7300 PA6法國羅地亞PSB205M PA66基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料RF-7007HS BK PA66瑞士EMS GV-4H PA66深圳杜邦MT409AHS BK010 PA66基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料RB004 EVA日本住友化學(xué)F2021 PC/ABS 寧波臺化 AC3108 PBT日本寶理300FP EF201R PP韓國大林EP542R PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 Injection molding is the most used processing method next to the extrusion. The injection molding of the resin is usually carried out on a reciprocating screw injection molding machine with a length to diameter ratio of 16:1 to 24:1 and a compression ratio of 2.5/1 - 3.0/1. The processing temperature is 350 - 500 degree F, but for the flame retardant HIPS, the processing temperature must be less than 470 F to prevent the additive from producing degradation reaction. The melt index of the resin processed by injection molding is generally 5 to 15 g/min. The forming method of structural foam plastics is a common process, using chemical and physical foaming agents. Although a variety of HIPS resin are compatible with each other, but before the operation to clean processing equipment, to ensure good product quality, the impact of acrylonitrile with a PS Th ene styrene copolymer (ABS), polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polypropylene (PP), polyethylene (PE), acrylic resin and most other plastics are not compatible, incompatible plastic mixture separation will produce delamination phenomenon in processing equipment, caused great decline of physical properties. application PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA6南亞2512 PC日本三菱工程 CGF2007R POE美國?松梨赩M3020 PC臺化出光 IR2200 WH PC美國陶氏 3600-V0 PA612 美國杜邦 FE340025 PBT美國杜邦CE2554U EVA中石化燕山9F2 PMMA 日本三菱麗陽 VRM-40 POM 日本旭化成 ZM413 ABS韓國三星AS-0150 TPU德國巴斯夫S660D10 PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 DFL22 PC/ABS 韓國LG GP-5306F PC/ABS 日本UMG TC-38M PA66美國杜邦70G13HS1-L PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料(南沙) C2950-111 POM 深圳杜邦 DE-20279A PBT美國杜邦SK601 BK851 PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 DS0036IP PC/ABS 韓國LG SR5208F TPEE美國杜邦3078 PA6印度朗盛BKV15 PBT新光D202G30 TPU85A00S PP韓國LG H5300 PA66基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料RFL-4538 BK8115 PP韓國大林HP400M ABS美國英力士H801 PP北歐化工BD950MO TPU德國科思創(chuàng)(拜耳)9392AU PETG 美國伊士曼 EB062 LLDPE中石化福煉218WF PC日本出光 V2500R PA66美國杜邦FE13001-NC010 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 Impact resistance PS is easily machinability, good performance and low price, so it is used to manufacture products and industrial products of many uses. The main applications are packaging and disposable supplies, instruments, household appliances, toys and entertainment supplies, and construction industries. The largest use of HIPS is to be used as a packaging and disposable material, especially for food packaging and eating tableware. The main applications include the daily packaging container. A cup, a variety of covers, plates, bowls, etc. are used and distributed for the vending machine. Disposable products such as disc, bottle cap, safety razor, pen and so on are also a part of the use of HIPS. PVC carcinogen, which will undoubtedly affect the development of PVC to some extent. However, the residual VCM has been successfully reduced by vehicle and other ways, so that the content of VCM in PVC resin will be less than 10ppm, which will meet the requirement of hygienic grade resin and expand the application scope of PVC. Even the content of VCM in the resin is less than 5ppm, and the residual VCM is very few after processing. It is basically harmless to the human body and can be used as food and medicine packaging and children's toys. Main classification PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA66德國DOMO66G20 PA6基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料BG3-BK 1066 PPO 日本旭化成 100Z BKPC/ABS 沙伯基礎(chǔ) MC8800 TPE惠州李長榮1475F TPE德國膠寶AP1320004 PA6韓國巴斯夫8202 ABS國喬D-650 PP南亞3210M3 PA6瑞士EMS BGZ-15/2 BK PP臺化S1023 PA66德國巴斯夫8233G PP中石化茂名HT9025M PP韓國SK B360F PA66德國巴斯夫4355G7 BK POM 韓國可隆 K300 BK PP韓國LG M1400 PMMA 新加坡住友化學(xué) LG PPE 日本旭化成 X333V TPE美國吉力士G6770 TPUU-298AL LLDPE新加坡?松梨贚L9999SS LCP美國杜邦5145L BK PA66美國杜邦HTN52G35HSL NC010 PVC寧波臺塑PR-1069 TPUS-198A POM 荷蘭杜邦 988PA PVDF 美國蘇威 6010(粉) PA66深圳杜邦70G50HSLA BK HDPE北歐化工HE3490-LSPC/ABS 韓國三星 NH-1001T ABS日本TECHNOHNJ HIPS鎮(zhèn)江奇美PH-88HT PA66日本旭化成CR103 PVDF 日本吳羽 1100 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 According to the different application range, PVC can be divided into general PVC resin, high degree of polymerization PVC resin and crosslinked PVC resin. The general PVC resin by polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer is formed under the action of initiator; high degree of polymerization of PVC resin is resin in the polymerization of vinyl chloride monomer added to the system, the chain growth polymerization crosslinking agent; PVC resin is added to the resin crosslinking agent containing dienes and polyenes in vinyl chloride monomer polymerization polymerization system. According to the method to distinguish the vinyl chloride monomer, can be divided into electric stone, and imported ethylene (EDC, VCM) monomer method (on the habits of the ethylene monomer and import system called ethylene method). According to polymerization method, PVC can be divided into four main categories: suspension polyvinyl chloride, emulsion polymerization, polyvinyl chloride, bulk polymerization, polyvinyl chloride and solution polyvinyl chloride. Suspension polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is one of the most productive varieties, accounting for about 80% of the total output of PVC. Polyvinyl chloride suspension method is divided into six models according to absolute viscosity: XS-1, XS-2... XS-6; XJ-1, XJ-2... XJ-6. The meaning of each letter in the model: X- suspension; S- loose type; J- compact. method PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 EVA西班牙雷普索爾PA-443 PEEK 英國威格斯 450GL15 PA66基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料RL-4040 PC基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 DFL-4036 BK PBT日本寶理3195PC/ABS 沙伯基礎(chǔ) C2100 PMMA 韓國LG HI855H PC/ABS 日本 CK40 HDPE伊朗國家石化MF3713PC廣州LG GP1006FML POE日本三菱化學(xué)KJ640T PC廣州LG GN1006FM POM 德國赫斯特 C9021 LS PC/ABS 鎮(zhèn)江奇美 PC-365 ABS馬來西亞東麗700-314 PA66日本三菱工程N-252-UX62 HIPS美國陶氏438 PPE 日本旭化成 300 X13334 PC/PTFE 基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 DFL-4032FR PMMA 南通三菱麗陽 IRD-50 TPE美國吉力士SHF 50A 3S1981 PBT德國朗盛S7020 PC/PTFE 基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料 DL-003 PA66法國羅地亞A 205F PA66德國DOMO66SN POE韓國LGLC100 PVC德國C12/62V PA6日本三菱工程1010N2-2 PA12 日本宇部 3030JI9L PPS日本油墨FZ3000 BK PA12 瑞士EMS L120HL PA12 瑞士EMS XS1332 EVA臺聚UE631 PA66德國朗盛D.DPA30SFN30 000000 LCP馬來西亞寶理E130i-BK205P PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 polyvinyl chloride PVC can be made by substitution reaction of ethylene, chlorine and catalyst. Because of its fire prevention heat effect of PVC is widely used in all walks of life every kind of products: wire skin, skin fiber, shoes, handbags, bags, accessories, signs and billboards, building decoration supplies, furniture, ornaments, rollers, pipes, toys (such as the famous Italy "Rody" jumping horse), curtain, door, auxiliary medical supplies, gloves, some food preservation paper, some fashion etc.. Polymerization method PVC was prepared by free radical addition polymerization. The polymerization methods were mainly divided into suspension polymerization, emulsion polymerization and bulk polymerization, mainly by suspension polymerization, which accounted for about 80% of the total output of PVC. The pure water, liquefied VCM monomer and dispersant were added to the reactor, then initiator and other auxiliaries were added. After heating to a certain temperature, the VCM monomer was polymerized by free radical to form PVC particles. Continuous stirring makes the particle size uniform and makes the generated particles suspended in the water. In addition, the PVC paste resin was produced by micro suspension, and the properties and paste properties of the products were all good. PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 TPE臺橡4404N-PE SIS美國科騰D1161 PP中石油大慶HP550J PA46荷蘭DSM TW242FM10 PA6德國朗盛BKV30H2.0 GPPS泰國石化GP150 PVDF 日本吳羽 W#9200(粉) PC/ABS 德國科思創(chuàng)(拜耳) FR3040 PC/ABS 日本帝人 TN-7200BA EVA日本東曹H-6051K LLDPE中石油獨山子DFDA-7042N POM 美國泰科納 M90AW TPE美國吉力士SHF 50A 3S1981 PA66上海羅地亞A 205F PC日本出光 V1700R PA66德國杜邦70G30L PC/ABS 日本三菱工程 MB2215R POM 美國泰科納 AM90S PA46日本DSM TS300 BK PBT日本三菱工程5010GT-20 BK PP寧波臺塑5070 PBT荷蘭DSMTV4 261 SF PA6美國舒爾曼GF30 TPV 美國?松梨 271-87 PP韓國LG GP-2201 BK PC/ABS 日本住友化學(xué) IM6041 PP福聚ST866M ABS新湖(常州)石化CS-610TPPS菲利普BR111 ABS奇美PA-765A PVDF 日本吳羽 1500 PP基礎(chǔ)創(chuàng)新塑料60YM241-10000 CAB美國伊士曼553-0.4 PP泰國HMCHP400K TPEE美國杜邦G4774 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 PA66 27QE1回PA66 27QE1 The monomer droplets are dispersed in the aqueous phase suspension polymerization method, using oil soluble initiator were dissolved in monomer, polymerization reaction in the droplet, the polymerization heat absorbed by the water in time, in order to ensure that these droplets in water were bead dispersed, need to join the suspension the stabilizer, such as gelatin and polyvinyl alcohol, methyl cellulose, hydroxyethyl cellulose, etc.. Most of the initiators are organic peroxide and azo compounds, such as peroxide two, two isopropyl carbonate, peroxide two, bicarbonate, peroxide two, two ethylhexyl ester, azo two isoheptane, azo two isobutadiene and so on. The polymerization is carried out in a polymerizer with a agitator. After polymerization, the monomer material flows into the recovery tank or stripper recycle monomer. Then into the mixing kettle, water washing then centrifuge dehydration, drying and resin finished products. The vinyl chloride monomer should be removed from the resin as much as possible. As the PVC for food packaging, the content of free monomer should be controlled below 1ppm. During polymerization, the temperature and pressure of the polymerization process must be controlled to ensure that the specified molecular weight and molecular weight distribution range are obtained and the detonation is prevented. The particle size and particle size distribution of the resin is controlled by the stirring speed and the selection and dosage of the suspension stabilizer. The quality of resin is characterized by particle size and particle size distribution, molecular weight and molecular weight distribution, apparent density, porosity, fisheye, thermostability, color, impurity content and free mobility of powder. Polymerization reaction
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